Sometimes things just don’t fall into a pre-defined category…
it’s just stuff!!

I Love Biscuits!!

To be so good…why are biscuits fattening?

It’s Planting Season!!

I’m sure you recognize this….a car load of plants. Are you like Peg and me when shopping for plants and kinda like the ol’ saying “bite off more than you chew” except with plants it “dig up more than you can plant???” As we go into the summer planting season we have that spirit of renewal as we plant beautiful young flowers with the anticipation of watching them grow into mature blooming examples of God’s creation…only to see them wilt in the fall/winter and we start over again. Kinda like life in general, huh? – young couples welcoming the birth of God’s newest children while we sadly say goodbye to old friends as they go on to meet their Savior. God wants us to forget the sorrow of saying goodbye and just enjoy the beauty of the colorful blooms while His plants are at their peak and know that he will comfort us when we do have to say goodbye. This applies to both the beautiful plants of summer and dear friendships we share with others. On this Memorial weekend let’s pause to remember, and thank, those who fought to preserve our freedoms while giving the ultimate sacrifice.

I Know Who You Are and Where You Have Been…and Where You Are Planning to go on Vacation!!

We are in the middle of this investigation of whether the FBI and DOJ were spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.  This is a scary thought that our government may have spied on a political campaign. This is America!!!  What if I told you I have a list of everything you  viewed or clicked on while surfing the web, every app you’ve ever launched or used and when you did it, every website you’ve ever visited and what time you did it at, and every app you’ve ever installed or searched for.

Would it be even more scary if I told you I have every image you’ve searched for and saved, every  location you’ve ever searched for or clicked on, every news article you’ve ever searched for or read, and every single Google search you’ve made since 2009. And then finally, every YouTube video you’ve ever searched for or viewed, since 2008.

Oh, and by the way, I would like to put cameras/microphones in your home and location trackers on you and your family.  Would you let me?  Actually, I don’t have to do these thing because you just went ahead and did it yourself because you wanted to watch cute dog videos.

This is crazy…isn’t it? Not really.

There’s a great article by Dylan Curran on The Guardian website you must read that covers all the information Google and Facebook have on all of us who spend time on the internet. All the things you just read about above…..came from Dylan’s article and he’s done quite a bit of research. It’s scary stuff!!  It also brings home why internet security is so important. Read the article and then imagine a stranger (or your ex) getting access to your Google account and she/he can look up your location and your web surfing habits for the last 10 years.





Chocolate Moose at The Greystone Inn

We had a wonderful dinner at The Greystone Inn tonight at Lake Toxaway.  This is a fabulous place full of history and worth the drive up to the mountains of Western North Carolina.  The Greystone Inn was just recently re-opened by new owners Geoff and Shannon Ellis after extensive renovations.  The Ellis’ have some experience running boutique-type hotels as they are the owners of  award-winning hotel The Willcox in Aiken, SC.  If you love history you owe it to yourself to read about The Greystone Inn’s history and then plan a visit soon. Let me recommend the Chocolate Moose…doesn’t it look delicious!!!

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Boat’s Ready for Another Summer!!!

It’s always fun to pick the boat up from Lake Toxaway Marina after they have taken good care of it for the winter. With a bath and service the boat is ready for another fun summer.

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An Inspiring Story of a Police Officer Doing What was Right.

As we finish National Police Week this is an inspiring story of a cop in Savannah just doing the right thing. The media is fast to point the finger at police officers when they do something wrong while making those split-second decisions, but you don’t always hear about all the things they do right! Take a minute to read about this officer who personifies what most cops represent.