Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous…
—Winston Churchill

Boy Scouts….without the Boy!

I was never a Boy Scout. It was not that I didn’t want to be I just never really thought much about scouting because of always playing sports…football in the fall and baseball in the spring…so never really had the time for Scouting. Scouting may have been a better use of my time since I really wasn’t that good at sports. I wasn’t bad it just seemed there were boys always bigger and faster than me.  One of my good friends during elementary school was a Scout, though. Jamie McManus was a preacher’s kid and I always admired his Scout uniform. Jamie seemed to always know about thing I didn’t and he would always say ” I learned it at Boy Scouts.”  It was definitely “Boy” Scouts as the “Girls” had their own group. They sold cookies and we “Boys” always looked forward to the cookie sales. I guess things were simpler then….or maybe we just didn’t know any better. Maybe we didn’t realize activities should not have been segregated between the sexes? Maybe we weren’t smart enough, in the small town of Greer, SC, to know there really shouldn’t be a Scouting organization just for Boys?  I mean, just because it has worked for 108 years doesn’t mean it was right, does it?  Surely the 100’s of thousands of “Boys” who have experienced Scouting just didn’t realize they were doing it all wrong.  With all the changes in our society I guess I really wasn’t surprised to learn the Boy Scouts of America were going to follow through with their announcement from last year that things were changing and they would be dropping the word “Boy” from their name. Going forward BSA will be simply known as Scouts BSA…effective next February.

It appears not everyone felt as I did anyway. Julia Horowitz is one of those telling the Los Angeles Timesthat she always felt cheated by only selling cookies and not being able to participate in outdoor activities. Stacie Davis, a Girl Scout troop leader for her daughter’s troop disagrees and told the LA Times she was shocked!  It appears we are in for the Scouting Wars as the Girl Scouts say they will mount an aggressive campaign to recruit the “Girls” to their organization, according to  Sylvia Acevedo, the Girl Scouts’ CEO.  Finally, the feud is being waged on social media as both sides are making their argument. Being that my two Cocker Spaniels(Jesse and Cocoa) aren’t interested in Scouting I guess it really doesn’t matter what I think as I don’t have a “dog in the hunt” as we say down south!

GOP Governor’s Forum

The Greenville County Republican Party’s Bronze Elephant Dinner was a complete success with the GOP Governor’s candidates forum. The dinner was a sold-out event with the grand ballroom of The Poinsett Club over capacity (let’s not share this with the fire marshal!!!) If you missed the event and want to hear what the candidates had to say you can watch it here.

Upstate Live April 24, 2018

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6548808/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/191970/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”]Joey discusses the left’s attack our Second Amendment rights and other breaking news and headlines in a fast-paced, caller-driven format.

Comey Memos

James Comey continues to dominate the 24/7 news cycle with the release of his “memos.”  I have never understood the importance of such memos after a meeting like this. These are notes this man wrote himself and how are to know they reflect what was actually said in the meeting. He admits he was writing them from memory after the fact and that they may not be in the correct order….so, if his memory is not that great maybe he also misstate some of the facts too….or maybe, he had always intended to have these reflect what his agenda was in the first place?  Did Trump also make notes of what he remembers being said….the fact is, two men had dinner and there are always two sides to a story.  Is it unreasonable for a President to expect some degree of loyalty? It appears this is what the President was trying to determine…could he trust James Comey? The answer is now pretty obvious. Read the MEMOS yourself. President Trump says the MEMOS prove there was no collusion.

CNN says….

“The contemporaneous notes that Comey compiled have already had a major impact: They helped lead to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, formed the basis of Trump’s constant criticism that Comey is “a leaker” and sparked accusations that Comey provided classified information to a friend.”

The New York Times says….“the seen memos did  little to help the Republicans undermine Mr. Comey’s credibility.”

Read the MEMOS for yourself and you decide…do we know anymore than we did?

Sheriff Will Lewis Indicted

Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis was indicted today on charges of obstruction of justice and misconduct in office.  The charges were handed down after a months-long investigation by SLED. CLICK  to read the indictments Sheriff Will Lewis Indictment

4th District Congressional Debate

An overflow crowd joined Deb Sofield, Jane Robelot and me at The Poinsett Club in Greenville to learn a little more about the thirteen(13) candidates running to take Trey Gowdy’s seat in Congress after he announced he will not seek re-election. If you missed the broadcast it’s worth your time to watch and learn as this is an important election for upstate SC.