SC’s “Heartbeat Bill”

John McCravy represents District 13 (Greenwood) in the South Carolina House of Representatives.  Rep. McCravy is the sponsor of  the SC Fetal Heartbeat Protection from Abortion Act (H.3020), better known as the “Heartbeat Bill.” Unfortunately, we find ourselves in a fight to save unborn lives. You may have heard in the news that heartbeat bills have passed in other states like Georgia and Ohio. The introduction and passage of these bills are partly in  response to New York’s aggressive pro-choice bill which allows an unborn child to be aborted up until its live birth. This is important legislation and we need to support leaders like Rep. McCravy who are leading this fight for life. Take a minute to listen as I visit with Rep. McCravy and then call your legislator.[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

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