Tag Archive for: congress

Josh Kimbrell for Congress

Josh Kimbrell is a former Spartanburg County GOP Chairman and host of Common Cents radio show.  You can find information about Josh’s campaign at his website VoteJoshKimbrell.

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6671073/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/191970/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

Dan Albert for Congress

Dan Albert is an author and entrepreneur with over three decades of business experience.  Dan earned a BA in economics from Tulane University and an MBA from Harvard. Dan is the author of   The Albert Plan to Save America a book described on his website as “a bold, comprehensive and transformational plan for We the People to take our country back. “ For more information about Dan listen to his interview below or visit his website Dan Albert for Congress.[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6661384/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/191970/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

Shannon Pierce for Congress

Shannon Pierce is a nurse and small business owner. Shannon and her husband, Olly, have two children (Evan and Aiden). Running as an “outsider” and “not your typical politician” this is Shannon’s first time running for office and believes this is a good thing as she will approach service from a different perspective than career politicians.  To find out more about Shannon visit VOTE for Shannon.


[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6657799/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/191970/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

4th District Congressional Debate

An overflow crowd joined Deb Sofield, Jane Robelot and me at The Poinsett Club in Greenville to learn a little more about the thirteen(13) candidates running to take Trey Gowdy’s seat in Congress after he announced he will not seek re-election. If you missed the broadcast it’s worth your time to watch and learn as this is an important election for upstate SC.