Jeff Duncan : Faith & Freedom BBQ

Join South Carolina’s largest annual gathering of conservatives on Monday, August 26 at the Anderson Sports and Entertainment Center: Congressman Jeff Duncan’s Faith and Freedom BBQ. Plan for an evening honoring America’s Heroes joined by Congressman Jeff Duncan and founder of House Freedom Caucus, Jim Jordan, along with special music by award winning patriotic and Christian recording artist, America’s Tenor Steve Amerson, and more. Reserve your tickets today at Jeff  Don’t miss this exciting event. Veterans, first responders and their families can attend FREE. More information and additional speakers will be announced soon at Take a minute to listen my recent chat with Congressman Duncan with a quick preview of what to expect.  

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Washington Night 2019

What a great evening with US Senator Lindsey Graham and 3rd District Congressman Jeff Duncan at the 2nd Annual Washington Night sponsored by the Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Pickens and Laurens County Republican party organizations.  If you missed the broadcast take a minute to listen as we covered a lot of information in that one short hour. Take a look at some of the photos here. Also, Congressman Duncan’s 9th Annual Faith and Freedom BBQ is coming up soon so get your tickets to hear Congressman Jim Jordan and other great speakers on August 26th.

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Lake Toxaway Charities Annual Gala

Lake Toxaway Charities has been a viable part of Lake Toxaway since 1975 when seasonal residents Ben and JoJo Walton began hosting an annual golf tournament to raise money for the local Toxaway EMS/Fire Department.  Subsequent donations helped build the Toxaway Community Center and continued supporting the volunteer fire department, which at that time received no county funds.

As of its fiscal year-end 2018, LTC has donated over $2 million to 43 Transylvania County charities.  This is a testament to the generosity of Lake Toxaway Estates residents, who care deeply about the greater community in which they live, whether seasonally or full-time.  Lake Toxaway Charities continues to make a positive impact on the County’s charitable and non-profit organizations and the people who live and work among us.  July 2oth marks the date of the 2019 Annual Gala and Sports Day. Chip Brown visited with me to talk about this year’s event. Take a minute to listen.

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Drew McKissick on Trump Announcement

Drew McKissick, Chairman of the South Carolina GOP, talked with me for a few minutes about President Trump’s re-election announcement in Orlando.[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

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Spartanburg Sheriff Chuck Wright

Spartanburg County Sheriff, Chuck Wright, is looking for a few good men and women to fill some open Detention Officer  positions.  If you are looking for a career change take a minute to listen to Sheriff Wright talk about the opportunity and then apply today.  Spartanburg County pays it’s Detention Officers the best salaries in the upstate and all training is included. No experience necessary.[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

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Tom and Lorraine Lucas: Finding Their Son’s Killer

Tom and Lorraine Lucas moved to Upstate SC, not because of the beauty and all the area has to offer, but to be close to family and try to help find their son’s killer.  It all started on November 6, 2003 when a customer found four employees murdered in the Superbike Motorsports in Chesnee, SC.   It wasn’t until November 3, 2016, when local realtor Todd Kohlhepp was arrested for the kidnapping of Kala Brown and murder of her boyfriend Charlie Carver, that the Lucas’ later learned that Kohlhepp was the murderer they had been searching for.  Former FBI agent, John Douglas says “they may be out there, but in my experience over many years, I haven’t seen one quite like him,” referring to Kohlhepp in his new book,  “Killer Across the Table.”  HLN’s new series, Lies, Crimes & Videos,  spotlights this crime on Saturday, June 15th, at 8p est.  Watch a PREVIEW HERE.

Take a minute to listen to Tom and Lorraine Lucas tell their story when they visited with me on The Morning Answer.[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

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